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  • Cutting Workout: What to Eat To Get The Perfect Shape?

    Do you have a bulk body but still have small amounts of fats stored in your belly? Then you do not have to worry because there is a specific workout designed for you! Cutting Workout is designed to help bodybuilders like you. To give you more knowledge on this, here are the basics of Cutting Workout, and the nutrition, food, and diet ideal for you new bodybuilding lifestyle!


    What is Cutting Workout?

    If you are looking forward to having more cuts to be sexier, then you should start with any of the cutting workout programs. Cutting Workout is specifically designed for people who have reached their target muscle bulks, and now itching to have some sexy cuts.
    As it is usually composed of a balanced combination of heavy weight training and cardio training, Cutting Workout can usually be sparked up by just adapting this workout routine for a four-day straight. Devote three days of it to heavy weightlifting, and make sure to spend the remaining day with any of the cardio programs that you can do. Split the day properly by doing the light training in the morning, and then the heavy training from noon to the evening.

    In order to get an improved physique that is extremely desirable, take a time to discover and put to the heart these tips to get into the perfect shape.

    5 Things You Need To Know About Cutting Workout

    1.    Its main goal is to lose fat.
    2.    There needs to be a perfect splitting of workout schedule. As mentioned above, it is important to perform all the light training in the morning, and then the heavy training in the evening.
    3.    You must be a bodybuilder in the intermediate level. You must have finished your bulking session and now you are about to shove off the remaining fats stuck in your belly–that is the main reason why you are going to start your cutting workout routine.
    4.    You need to devote at least 4 days of your week. Three days to handle the heavy weightlifting routines, and then the remaining one for the chill cardio training.
    5.    Indoor Workout can be done since the most needed equipment are just the barbells, bodyweight, cables, dumbbells and EZ bars if available.

    What Nutrients Do You Need If Pursuing A Cutting Workout?

    1.    Proteins for muscle growth
    2.    Carbohydrates for enough energy supply
    3.    Glycogen to increase strength and agility
    4.    Nutrients relative to increased Testosterone Level

    What Diet Plan Should You Consider?

    Young Bodybuilder In The KitchenThe Ultimate Goal

    Before choosing which of the available diet plans are you going to consider, you need to first understand the goals on why you do the cutting workout:

    1.    You want to spare as much muscle mass as you can and so you do not want to destroy your muscle build up. With that, you need to maintain your protein supply in your body.
    2.    Lose so much fat as possible. Remember that you are in the shortest road to reaching your desired body shape. You have the enough bulk and the only thing that you are going to do with this is to eliminate the excess fats.
    3.    Consider a balance in low intensity and high-intensity workout programs. If you will not achieve balance, you might lose intensity in your workout room.

    Slow Carb Diet: The Perfect Type of Diet for Cutting Workout

    Slow Carb Diet is best when doing the Cutting Workout. The main idea of this type of diet is the fast burning of fat in order to avoid excessive fat storage. Definitely, the idea of Slow Carb Diet is an ideal partner of a person undergoing the Cutting Workout.

    What should you eat?

    1.    For six days a week, make sure to consume enough amount of lean meat, beans, vegetables, and avoid white foods including sugar, pasta, rice, bread and any type of cheese Basically, what you need to avoid are carbohydrate rich foods. The remaining one day of your week is your Cheat Day.
    2.    Take small frequent meals. This will contribute greatly to the reduction of possible fat storage in our body.
    3.    You do not have to drink your calories.
    4.    Take more protein-rich food.
    5.    Avoid fruits with too much carbohydrate content like avocados and tomatoes.

    Sample Diet Plans

    To help you start modifying your diet plan in preparation to your cutting workout routine here is the list of meals that will help you achieve your goal. The amount of each of the meals that are mentioned below depends on a number of calories that you need every day.



    Cutting Workout is done only to reach the perfection of your desired physique. If you are done with bulking routines and now about to eliminate the fats stored in your tummy then this Cutting Workout will work for you. The best way to achieve the ultimate goal of the workout is through modifying your diet plans and pushing away the hoaxes and misconceptions about dieting.

    In case you have any more suggestions or even queries related to the nutrition, food, and diet of a person undergoing cutting workout, feel free to share it with us! Do not also forget to share this with your colleagues.

    Author Bio:

    gregthumbnailGregory is the chief editor at ConstructMuscles.com. He spends half of my time on his blog while the other half on being a physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, he has been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. Stay Connected with him on Twitter.