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    All ectomorphs are hard-gainers, they are gaining weight and muscle mass very slow and that makes them to quit trying to gain muscle mass. For muscle mass gain you have to be in caloric surplus and eat a lot of proteins, carbs and fats and it is recommended to split meals in about 6 or more smaller meals, but very easy solution is to have 3 big meals and to consume 2 Shakes daily (homemade shakes are perfect). That is 5 meals a day with enough calories to gain muscle mass.


    If your every meal contain about 40 grams of protein you will consume 5 x 40 = 200 grams of protein and that is enough protein for one day. Add about 80 grams of carbs and you will have 5 x 80 = 400 grams of carbohydrates for a day, that is also enough. Together it makes about 2400 calories because 1 gram of protein has 4 calories and 1 gram of carbs also 4 calories. So let’s calculate that:

       200 gr of Protein x 4 = 800 calories
       400 gr of Carbs x 4 = 1600 calories

    That is enough for someone to gain muscle mass, but for hard-gainers is better to consume at least 3000 calories and it is better some more. So, lets add some good fats to calculation. If you add only about 20 grams of fats from olive oil, nuts and omega 3 fatty acids you will consume 5 x 20 = 100 grams of fat which has about 900 calories. Yes, fats have more calories than carbs and protein that is clear. With these additional 900 calories you will consume about 3300 calories a day and you should add maybe a little more carbs to make it 3500 and that would be enough even for hard-gainers and absolutely good for beginners.

    You can consume half of these calories from shakes and it would be easier for you to eat rest of calories that you have to consume from regular meals.

    What ingredients you need for High-Calorie Healthy Gainer:

    1 Cup of Oats
    1 Scoop of Whey Protein
    2 Cups of Milk
    2 Whole Eggs
    1 Medium Banana
    2 – 3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil or Peanut Butter

    Mix all of these ingredients in shake and drink it two times a day and you will gain muscle mass very fast. You will consume more than 800 calories per one shake.

    This article has been republished with the express permission of www.muscle-palace.site.
