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  • Favorite Horror Movie

    Discussion in 'Female Bodybuilding' started by vijugati8g, Oct 15, 2012.

    1. maxen57

      maxen57 Member

      May 2016
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      Any Asian horror movies, lol! I'm not being biased or anything but Japanese and Korean horror movies have that mystery, suspense and this thing that would make you think and scratch your head after watching it. I've seen enough on cable television that the startle factor is a few levels ups than some of the generic horror films they show today. The last time I went to see a real scary one was last year and it was a psychological horror film that involved a family and a mistress. It was the only time I've ever felt sorry for a mistress, lol!
    2. Strawberry

      Strawberry Member

      May 2016
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      My favourite Horror movies are psychological ones with a little gore for garnish!

      The top movies on my list are the Hannibal movies. They are both mentally intrusive to the viewer as well as gruesome (well, moderately).
    3. amelia88

      amelia88 Member

      May 2016
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      I actually can't stand horror movies! They're probably the one genre of film that I'll never choose to watch - I like my movies to be comedies for the most part! I guess I just love to laugh and being scared isn't too high up my priority list!
    4. roseinflorence

      roseinflorence Member

      May 2016
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      I don't usually watch horror movies. I guess I'm too much of a coward to sit through one or perhaps I haven't encountered a good one. I watched a Japanese horror movie once, but it wasn't really horror. There were just a bunch of teenagers killing themselves and I was more confused than terrorized. I like reading Stephen King's books though and I've always wanted to watch Children of the Corn so I think I'll give it a shot one of these days.

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