I recently took something called NO Explode which is a powdery substance that's supposed to make you be able to run longer but all it did was make my heartbeat go up like crazy. I felt a little sick after I took it and haven't used it since. Has anyone had any experience with this product, should I steer clear? Also, has anyone had the rapid heart-beat problem with any kind of supplement or training product? I'm worried this could be more of a health issue. Thoughts?
NO Explode is what you call a pre-workout, like Jack3D or stuff like that. The first thing that you should do before drinking anything is taking a look at the ingredients and see what it is that you are taking. NO explode main ingredient is basically creatine, but it also has a myriad of other stuff like Taurine (Like a RedBull), caffeine and beta-alamines, so it is hard to pin point what exactly made you sick. Do you drink coffee regularly? Are you into energy drinks? Maybe you are sensitive to caffeine or something, I had the same side effects from drinking to many energy drinks so it could be that. Did you went overboard with the dosage? They usually recommend you to try it first with only half a scoop and never go beyond 2.
I think fcuco summed it up - I think some people are very sensitive to a lot of the stuff that's in preworkout, especially when it has a composition similar to several cups of coffee or energy drinks. I don't take preworkouts for that very reason - my heart gets racey enough after maybe 3 cups of coffee, so I have just never had any desire to go down the preworkout road.