Unless your friend is determined to lose the weight himself, no motivation in the world would help him. Just make him understand all the health risks that come with obesity, and losing weight would be the easiest way to avoid all those problems in the future. There are ways to do it easily, and that millions of people around the world have done it. Cutting food intake, not snacking during your break times, and exercising regularly would definitely make him lose weight, that is, if he is serious enough about it.
Well, the diet below 500 calorie is considered a VLCD (Very Low Claorie Diet) and it can be dangerous for him. At least 800 calories should be taken by him. So, 800 calorie is healthy.
Reduce the intake of the calories. He should have 500 less than the number of those that he burn in one day. At least and my choice in the gym, after few days of settling would be to go as heavy as he can with few reps. I am not an expert but for me it was the best way to make fat into muscles. It was the fastest way. Of course not only those. I was thinking something like Modern Physique program by Steve Cook I think, that I am currently trying out. You go heavy in the first week with only strength exercises focusing on the big muscle groups and after that you concentrate and do more precise workouts.
I have problems with weight loss not so far long. Stay on 188 lbs and all. Running, swimming, soccer but my results stay as they as. But I bought fat loss drugs. And my weight below to 175 for 3 weeks. Amazing results as for me.
Proper nutrition is important and the best friends of the bodybuilders are the nutrition they consume into his body. Added the well-balanced diet in your daily and get stick with it. Take meal 5 or 6 times during the day, instead of the consuming 3 larger meals in a day.
Hi Jake Do you have your own exercise/diet regime? The more ideas and suggestions the better for all members.