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  • Anyone take daily vitamins?

    Discussion in 'Supplements' started by amelia88, May 3, 2016.

    1. amelia88

      amelia88 Member

      May 2016
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      I have never really been one to take daily vitamins - I usually find that I get most of my nutrition from what I'm eating. The only real time I took vitamins daily was when I was pregnant, just to make sure that I was absolutely getting enough for the both of us.

      If you do take a daily vitamin, do you know what it covers? Any particular brands that you would recommend to others? I'd love to hear about your experiences with them and whether or not you think they work or if they're just a placebo!
    2. 111kg

      111kg Member

      May 2016
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      Not really. My diet is pretty well balanced nowadays, therefore there is no need for me to actually spend money on vitamins. I prefer to buy more food, more fruits and so on and save money to buy other more expensive supplements such as whey proteins from Optimum. Hell, I'd even try the Ronnie Coleman series.
    3. roseinflorence

      roseinflorence Member

      May 2016
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      I used to take vitamins when I was a child, mostly because my mother made me. Honestly I didn't mind taking the gummy ones, but as an adult I've stopped the practice. I'm pretty healthy overall and I don't think they'd really have an effect on me. I probably should though, for my bone health, but for now I feel fine without them. Maybe when I'm older I'll take Centrum or something.
    4. terryse

      terryse Member

      May 2016
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      I believe the food we eat is not always sufficient for the essential vitamins our body needs. To compensate for this , i take food supplements like the B vitamins.
    5. fcuco

      fcuco Member

      May 2016
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      I used too, but you know why? Because they were gummy bear vitamins and tasted delicious, really, no shame in admitting that, but seriously, you don't need vitamins if you are able to have a healthy diet, you should always strive to have all your nutrition from real food, it is better to have some lean source of protein than to drink a protein shake, it is better to have fiber from the food you consume than from a supplement, so the same applies with vitamins, eat plenty and a variety of vegetables.

      The only supplement that I believe is necessary is calcium if you are a woman over 35, osteoporosis is no joke.
    6. NickJonathan98

      NickJonathan98 Active Member

      May 2016
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      Hello. I am taking all my vitamins from food I eat. I see no reason for someone to take vitamin pills unless it's for some specific reasons.

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