RDL 8 bar weight warm up working: 8 95lb 2x8 115lb 8 130lbs, strapped goblet squats 4x12 20/25lbs accessory: leg curl leg extensions 4x12 60lb -- 4 rounds 10 5m back&forth run, tapping the ground after each rep 20 sec mountain climbers no rest in between 4 sets 8lb squats to wall balls 5 each leg, lunge with 5lb lateral raise 10 sit up to hip up 4 sets 10 squat thrust 12 trx inverted row 30lb farmer's walk 15 minute jog on the treadmill, 7.5% ave incline 10 minute indoor bike HIIT
4 sets 15 box jumps 15 25lb kb swings 12 30lb bb thrusters 3 sets, progressive (30,40,60) elbow plank left side plank right side plank -- Power cleans 4x8 65lbs Hang pulls 4x8 55lbs Shrugs 4x8 bar weight
Hi everyone. Here's my workouts for the past week: 4 rounds 10 5m back&forth run, tapping the ground after each rep 20 sec mountain climbers no rest in between 4 sets 8lb squats to wall balls 5 each leg, lunge with 5lb lateral raise 10 sit up to hip up 4 sets 10 squat thrust 12 trx inverted row 30lb farmer's walk -- Back squats 8 bar weight warm up 4x8 65lbs RDL 8 bar weight warm up working: 8 95lb 2x8 115lb 8 130lbs, strapped -- 5 sets 8 ea side, lateral wall balls 30 second elbow plank 3 sets 10 side to side ball slam 10 renegade rows, 10lbs 35lb kb farmer's walk 3 sets 10 squat to wall balls 12 25lb kb swing 10 TRX inverted row — front squats warm up sets: 5 55lbs 5 65lbs working: 5x5 75lbs deadlifts warm up: 1x8 95lbs 5 155lbs working: 5x5 175lbs
3 rounds 8 135lb barbell deadlift 6 burpees 10 20lb kettlebell swing 10 15lb kettlebell snatch — Abs: 2x30 sec plank 3x20 heel touches 3x15 bicycle crunches 3x15 mountain climb — 5 sets 10 ball throws, 15lbs 40 sec plank 4 sets 12 hip thrusts 12 10lb db push press 3 sets 12 SDL 12 20lb db rows 30 sec ea side suitcase carry
3 rounds 30 rope slams 30 ball slams 30 goblet squats 1 minute plank 20 minutes spin — Bench 5x5 60lbs accessory: 4x10 chest press 4x10 incline db chest press 4x10 incline flys 15 mins treadmill — back squats 5x5 80lbs 4x10 db Romanian deadlifts 4x10 goblet squats 4x10 reverse lunge 20 minutes elliptical — 5 rounds 10 lateral wall balls 10 suspension push ups 10 suspension inverted rows 10 box jumps 10 minutes spin
3 sets 10 8lb medicine ball slams 10 40lb suspension rows (ea side) 10 WGS with walk out 10 Swiss ball roll out 10 20lb cable core press 10 minutes treadmill — 10 minutes treadmill 15 minutes HIIT/ABS NTC 3 sets 10 45lb sumo squat (smith machine) 10 40lb squat machine 10 bodyweight squats 10 25lb db squats 10 40lb lying leg curls 10 30lb leg extension
3x5 deadlifts 4x6 front squats 3x5 assisted chin ups 3x10 bent over row 3x10 lat pulldown 3x10 seated cable rows 3x10 single arm db row — Circuit: 5 rounds 20 squat jumps 15 ball slams 10 renegade rows 5 burpees — 5x5 bench press 3x10 db press 3x10 inclined db flye 3x10 triceps rope push down 3x10 overhead triceps db extension
You have certainly been increasing your workouts since you started - I would guess you have a greater stamina now?
3 sets 5 oly bar cleans 30 sec plank 4 sets 12 hip thrusts 10 TRX push ups 4 sets 10 TRX inverted rows 10lb kb step ups, 10 ea side 35lb suitcase carry walk 1500 strides elliptical