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  • Need suggestions for best Resveratrol to take please

    Discussion in 'Supplements' started by mosikiw, May 15, 2023.

    1. mosikiw

      mosikiw Guest

      I did do a search hoping to find some advice on this and nothing came up with specific recommendations. I'm

      interested primarily in the liquid form as I take enough supplements now in pill form, but if the pill form is the

      best, then I would go with that. I've never taken resveratrol and think it's time for me to begin so any

      suggestions will be greatly appreciated. A friend of mine was taking Resveratrol Complete (liquid form) which

      she was buying from Sam's but they didn't have it on the shelf the last time she was there. If anyone has any

      knowledge of this particular brand....good or bad...I'd appreciate their opinion. TIA to all who take the time to

      help me decide on which one to begin taking...Smile
    2. mosikiw

      mosikiw Guest

      thanks in advance for all your suggestions
    3. Kylian

      Kylian Member

      Feb 2023
      Likes Received:
      I've been using Vegatot Resveratrol for the past 3 months, my skin become clearer and more radiant, i also experienced a boost in mental clarity. you can consider to give it a try

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