Me and my girlfriend where reading a magazine and there was an article that said that something like 60% of womem have orgasums in the gym Obviously this intreaged my girlfriend. Any way we were in the gym last night doing legs and she wason her last set of leg extensions amd pushing hard. Then she made a funnu noise and she looked at me with a look ive seen many a time before........... Shed only had an orgasm mid set hahaha
why ladies love the gym Yeah, pretty sure this is bull. Most women who go to the gym are there because they are body concious so pleasuring themselves on spin bikes isn't really high on the list. I've orgasmed more in work than the gym and having a large group of female friends who use various gyms if one of them was getting their thrills you can guarantee it'd be a hot topic of conversation. I think the article is a concoction of fantasy and definitely not a representative figure for the majority of gym goers.
why ladies love the gym Don't get me wrong if your girlfriend was dry humping a bench and she was looking to get off im sure she would have managed it but generally doesnt happen without concious effort lol
why ladies love the gym there are 1 or 2 guys in the gym I go to that make so much noise while lifting you would think they're havin an orgasm of the highest order - not just breathing heavy & panting, but really shouting out - a bit idiotic IMO..
why ladies love the gym Tell you what mate,next time you go to the gym and see some big fat 20st heffer on a gym bike I want you to think about her having an orgasm.
why ladies love the gym Hahahahaha!! What a load of horse sh1t! Pmsl that 60% of women must just spend their time sitting on the vibro power plate!! I'd be spending every waking minute in the gym of it was that easy to orgasm lol sounds like dump if you ask me!
why ladies love the gym I think your gf was faking it uh ohhh lol. Agree with the girls... Never happened to me whilst working out
why ladies love the gym Which is why Finlay recognised the face she pulled in the gym. She was faking it again Unless of course the vibe plate thing was broken and they replaced it with a symbian??