just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... I don't see many 19 year olds who are 5"9 and 190 pounds shredded. If you did achieve that naturally then well done.
just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... If you have to even question if someone's natty or not, they're probably not lol. Just how I see it, take it as a compliment.
just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... Its easy to tell when someone isnt natty, but dont take shame towards that. Great progress, your current body is what my goal is aiming towards. Big and shredded.
just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... Damn son, we're the same height but you got 20 lbs on me, mirin' hard (if natty)... How long have you been working out?
just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... Ignoew jelly phags, its not their buissnes anyways. Regardles how youre physique is absolutley amazing and I am mirin
just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... This. He has 5 Years of training under his belt who cares. Nice Job Op.
just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... Wow, great job OP. Curious - whatre your maxes for squat deadlift bench
just turned 19- 5'9, 190 PICS- thoughts, critiques... 1. We're not just saying he's not natty because we're jealous. Well I am jealous, but even if I wasn't jealous he's still a juice head. 2. It is our business because we compare each other on this forum, If you come bragging about your physique it does matter if you're natural or not.