here you can all see it was a joke from Bob about the 1 point difference in the 212.
The REAL scorecard i know it doesn't look like the regular scorecard but this is the official NPC website
The REAL scorecard The ifbbpro website scorecards look like that as well, although they haven't posted the mr. olympia ones yet.
The REAL scorecard so phil had 10 points on kai, but branch only had 3 points on wolf? u fuking WOT m8
The REAL scorecard I think the "only 1 point difference" remark from Bob is another joke directed towards Kai.
The REAL scorecard i thought the 1 point joke was.. and i'm paraphrasing "tonight we had a 1 point difference.. between 4th and 5th place there was a one point difference" meaning there wasn't a 1 point between kai and phil.. i thought that was completely obvious or did i just hear that wrong? i think you guys just didn't catch the joke