I shower twice a day and have cut sugary foods out of my diet completely. I drink plenty of water and have been using neutrogena routinely, and I still have terrible acne on my face, chest, back and shoulders. This has been lowering my self-esteem as well as my other numerous faults and I don't know what to do. tl;dr Doing everything I can but acne wont go away, advice?
Acne Problems ... Not sure if you were trying to be funny or not, if so you have failed. But no, I did not cut fruit from my diet.
Acne Problems ... accutane>thread or start getting more sun, some zinc,vitamin d and avoid washing your face to much tbh, the creams didnt do much for me except getting my face dry as **** I did a cycle of accutane and it was quite unpleasent in the beggining but in the end my face was much better. I still get some break outs now though but nothing very unpleasent but i never had really bad acne, just a mild yet persistent one.
Acne Problems ... I heard accutane is absolutely horrible for you and can cause long term damage to your body.
Acne Problems ... I would try proactiv. honestly i used neutrogena and it did nothing. I used proactiv and my face is clear and always is. i might get one or two once in awhile but proactiv destroys them the next day. If proactiv is too expensive id try to get AcneFree. it has the same ingredience as proactiv, but proactiv is a 3 step process while AcneFree is one. so id try one of those.
Acne Problems ... Um, don't shower twice a day, once is fine, youre making your skin dry, and by the looks of it even drier with that **** youre putting on your face. dry skin IS and equals acne, also. dont touch your face n **** with your hands. Stay away from germs. come back in a month without touching your face behinds that one time in the shower for less than 20 seconds anyway.