just curious - been doing arms for about 3 months arms sitting at around 14 inches, how does this progress compare with the norm?
Been doing arms for 3 months, progress Looks like you did synthol. No offense but what was your workout plan? It looks to me like you only worked out 1 muscle.
Been doing arms for 3 months, progress What is the starting picture? And it seems you carry a bunch of fat around your arms and don't have too much muscle. What does your arm workout look like? Do you only train arms or other body parts too?
Been doing arms for 3 months, progress Chest Back Leg Shoulder Arms AxBxCxx Did SS for 3 months before
Been doing arms for 3 months, progress Didn't take one sadly - yeah I do everything minus calves and forearms
Been doing arms for 3 months, progress Beginning 12, Ending 14... I would say you've done good. However, for 14' arms I'm surprised there's no bicep peak. You can see some definition in your tris but The bis aren't making sense