Bent-over rows > 45 degrees vs parallel SImple 45degree rows, to my stomach. There is not enough upper back contraction when done in that fashion on a 45 degree row. Under powerlifting for bench, a 45 degree row counts as a indirect accesory exercise as it strengthens the lats which are important on stabalizing the weight on the way down. However then there are the direct acceosry exercises, which are the ones that target the upper back. Pendley, most type of chest supported rows, face pulls. A 45 row is NOT GOOD ENOUGH for proper upper back development, regardless of your form. There is not enough contraction to really work the rhomboids and other upper back muscle etc. Hence the need for direct work. You won't find a well round PL routine without upper back work, I guaratee you. If you really don't think it matters how the rows are done, you are clueless.