Whats the best cheapest dog food out there? Ive got a boxer dog and wondered if any of you guys know whats best to feed them? Mine is funny and ive tried allsorts of different foods and they all make him vomit it up. The only ones he gets on with are the cheapest ones but they don't have enough protien in them... Thinking of feeding raw now. any thoughts? comments?
Best Cheapest DOG FOOD?? The large bags of Tesco finest are what I feed my Doberman and Staff. They get fresh meat every night to add to protein. Really nice shiny coats on them.
Best Cheapest DOG FOOD?? Nice one will look into it.. I think my dog needs 26% protein in his diet... What raw meats are you feeding and how much? Is it costly?
Best Cheapest DOG FOOD?? just got some new food for my danes called cobbydog or something like that from ebay and its cheap! i also sometime mix it with pet mince from my work which is lamb lites, hearts and liver they go mad for it! i even eat some by accident one day it wasnt too bad haha
Best Cheapest DOG FOOD?? BTW is that the Dry food? thats the ones I want the kibbles.. I don't feed the tinned meat its full of water and crap. Cheers
Best Cheapest DOG FOOD?? The whole 26% protein thing was recommended when I got my Dobe, but I'd rather give him meat than expect the dry food to satisfy him. They get all the off cuts of my meals that I make, so chicken, rice, mince, steak etc. I just mix it in so its more interesting. There's images ofd them on here : https://www.facebook.com/daveandbuddy
Best Cheapest DOG FOOD?? 1st thing is get him checked at the vets, then if all clear try a working dog food -value for money wagg worker is sound, complement it with raw meat also -if you can find a asian butcher see if you can do a deal for chicken carcasses-chicken carcasses are sound for dogs aslong as you don't cook them.If your serious about a raw food diet look up BARF dog feeding. I feed the huskies minced chicken, fish and rabbit along with the wagg worker. http://www.ukbarfclub.co.uk/index.php
Best Cheapest DOG FOOD?? Anymore suggestions? Hard to find the right balance - would rather feed a dry complete food with a good protein % in it.. and then add some meats after.