So basically, i know everyone about bulking and cutting! All i do is read these forums etc! But im bulking and i dont follow a direct plan, but i eat a **** load!! As you can tell by my stats im only small, but I eat loads, of the right stuff for example chicken, tuna, brown bread, brown rice, pasta. yoghurts, 2 protein shakes, and then sometimes i eat dirty food like mcdonalds just for that caloric surplus! I dont count calories but im eating AS much as i can! Why am i not gaining weight?.. Appreciate srs answers!
Bulking advice not enough food. count your calories, find your tdee and make sure to be at least 500 above that. weight will be gained.
Bulking advice Train yourself to eat. It's like training a body part. You can train your hunger. Start off with 4-5 small portion meals a day. Slowly increase portions. Slowly increase meal amounts to 5-6 meals a day. Slowly increase portions again. After a month or two you'll be eating 6 times a day, with a good amount each time. And you still be hungry.
Bulking advice This helps thanks! My problem is I forget to eat coz im not hungry, i do eat a lot but i slack off on some days, so this post helped, thanks mate
Bulking advice TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Whatever calories you are expending each day, you need to eat over to gain weight. You are not going to gain weight eating as much as you can because your mind will tell you to stop eating when you reach a certain point. The body does not want to change. You have to FORCE it to. Figure out how many calories you are burning a day, and eat 500 over that. You are going to have to force feed yourself most likely. Once you count calories and macro nutrients for a few weeks you will probably be ok just eating your normal portion sizes. Also you can add bbq sauce, olive oil, butter, etc to your meals. Snack on nuts during the day for more calories and healthy fats. Make a few smoothies in between your meals. Eat fattier meats. Your options are limitless. Hope this helps.
Bulking advice You're welcome. Also the above statement is right too. The first time I forced myself to eat more I coudn't eat 12 eggs in the morning (1 egg, 11 whites). Now I eat 15 eggs(1 egg, 14 whites), 1/4 cup oatmeal, and some fruit. Just train it like you'd train to increase strength! Takes time and your body needs to adapt.
Bulking advice find the amount of calories you have to eat to maintain weight, then estimate eating 200-500 cal above that