I really want to gain muscle, i really wana bulk up I lost around 50 kgs https://imgur.com/a/NgRzOQP thats my pic, can I finally bulk or do I need to cut down more?
Firstly - WELL DONE! That's a huge achievement and worth celebrating. In terms of bulking, if you refer to growing muscle then YES absolutely this can be done at any stage of your journey. It all comes down to a specifically constructed training program to make the most of your sessions for muscle growth, and of course the food you are consuming. Even when shredding for stage, I have my team continuously "bulking" (a.k.a growing muscle) because the plans I program are done in such a way that this is possible.
GW-501516 isn’t technically a SARM, but rather a SARM-like research chemical that is grouped in with SARMS. In fact, it acts on an entirely different pathway than a standard SARM. This has its perks, allowing users to get SARM-like results without the hormone-suppressing side effects of the SARM. Though there hasn’t been a ton of human studies in the lab, it’s been really effective in-home studies. As it is a stimulator for muscle glucose uptake, it works well in getting your muscles bulked and cut at the same time. LGD-4033, or Ligandrol, is another great product for cutting and bulking. It’s seen as one of the safer SARMs since it has seen much more clinical study than some other SARMs out there. In recent studies, it proved to increase lean muscle, decreased fat levels, increased strength, and even helped with the user’s overall sense of well-being.