Getting my parents to let ME buy whey protein felt like a great victory. However when I even speak of creatine they take me for insane. As if I want to take 'roids. Apperantly my mother heard some bullchit about a phaggot on TV who realised what 'garbage' creatine is. Given that and some reason that is unknown to noone they won't let me get it. How can I ****ing persuade them that it is not harmful in any way to your body when you're not being a dumb**** about it? It is not like I can take it without them noticing... Has anyone else faced the same chit? How did you get past it.
Creatine vs Parents theres a sticky about supplement facts for parents. maybe show them that or check out the links it provides edit:
Creatine vs Parents A) Turn 18 B) Show studies and tell parents to educate themselves C) If they don't 'let' you, take it anyway D) ??? E) Negged F) Profit G) srs
Creatine vs Parents You could always wait to start taking it because just protein is all you need for now in my opinion. If you are in dire need for creatine then show them medical research showing its effectiveness and lack of detrmintal effects (you can find some after looking creatine up in Google)
Creatine vs Parents Just tell them, creatine is found in the muscles anyway, and that you can find small doses in red meats also. But tbh, just buy it anyway.