Basically to sum up my weight lifting experience... Wasted like a year starving myself and making very slight gains, but gaining some definition and yes... abs which is what I was obsessed about but I was really skinny and **** that I wanna be huge. So I decided to bulk up. I eat clean foods and track my macros and all that so I just increased calories but I way overdid it and had a bunch of cheat meals and pretty much just got fat and lost all work I put in for the stupid abs lol.... So now i'm 6"1, 155, skinny fat, and the chub around me is seriously bumming me out. So now i'm doing a little damage control and cutting for like a week or so to rid a litttle bit of the chub, but I need to make up my mind once and for all... bulk or cut? Care about summer and the "beach body" or just pack on some muscle? Or go right around maintenance calories and just chill there for awhile? Thoughts? I bench 130x5, squat 175x5, deadlift 205x5, right now and once I start bulking im gonna hop on reg park's program and get those all up and cant wait because i havent made any gains for so long. Getting my own power rack set up soon so it's gonna be so awesome!! Help an aspiring teen bb'er out! yeahh buddy! 1st pic me before.. 2nd pic me after.. kinda bad lighting and angle, you can see abs sometimes but whatever
Cut or bulk? YOU DECIDE! In the stats under your avi. Well, anyway, you don't need to worry about having stored fat around anywhere, because you're not fat AT ALL. You really need to bulk and build some mass, no doubt about it. What's your plan?
Cut or bulk? YOU DECIDE! your stats: 6'1" 212lbs, but definitely bulk just do it right! When I was your age I had the same lean build and am now kind of thankful for getting older cause if I sit around and do nothing I can actually put a couple pounds on. haha good luck!
Cut or bulk? YOU DECIDE! yup, noticed it after that post and just changed it.. thanks. and i'm planning on lots of clean foods, daily calorie intake around 3000, taking multi, creatine, whey, and fish oil, and busting my ass using the reg park's program which focuses on all the compound lifts!
Cut or bulk? YOU DECIDE! Bulk bulk bulk, then bulk a little more. Get those gains while your young. I would honestly say don't even think about a cut until you are about 200lbs, but that's just my opinion.
Cut or bulk? YOU DECIDE! In all honesty you don't look 155lb either :/ If I were you, I'd bulk all the way through this summer and next summer.