I've been trying to cut for a little while. Eating less calories and lifting still and whatnot. I'm thinking about doing keto. Any suggestions on that? And Can someone give me a rough estimate on my BF %? Thank you!
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) how much weight have you lost and how much time is in between the pics? keto isnt necessary.
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) looking at your pics bro you havent lost any weight...may just be the quality of the pics but thats what it looks like.. rought bodyfat% is looking like its around 30%. eat less calories and workout more. as for keto, i havent tried it nor do i know enough about it to post. i'll let the other guys help you with that. but keep going you'll get there!
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) how much are you eating? how much time was there inbetween the pics?
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) I've lost about 15 pounds. The pics were taken about 2 months apart. It's weird, my strength has gone up significantly since i've started losing weight. What could cause this? Possibly testosterone levels considering my age? Sorry if that's a newbie suggestion lol. Thanks for the help!
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) wtf, you lost about 7kg and you look the same. you bf might be higher than it seems, continue cutting.
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) I think it may have to do with the angle of the pic. I'll go take one real quick that looks closer to the first one. Thanks for the help!
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) I wouldn't recommend keto, but maybe that's just me. Are you doing cardio? Cardio isn't necessary, but it does help a lot.
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) I'm doing some cardio. Not as much as I would like to. But I'm gonna start doing 15-20 minutes after each workout.
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) good work, keep it up. how is it weird that your strength has gone up? thats normal. lifts weights = get stronger eat less = lose fat