Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) here's a pic i just took that is a closer angle to the first one
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) Last edited by tperdew; Today at 02:31 AM. Reason: upload pic
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) Not in your case, it's common for people with really high lvls of BF to get stronger and more muscle mass while losing fat, but it will of course stop after a while.
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) Big titties like this don't come over night. hahaha thanks man
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) You're gonna be cutting for a while and that sucks you have to do it at 15.
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) better now than as an adult in my opinion. I'm not going to be like this as an adult.
Cutting Progress and help needed (Pics) I've heard being in a calorie deficit can restrict height growth. May or may not be broscience.