dear larry and layne THIS!@!! I was thinking this the entire time. Layne should flipping know better. Edit* Going by what they were saying, Branch would have 0 AC wins.
dear larry and layne Esp. Larry, that was one of the most biased broadcasts ever........and they are usually VERY biased.
dear larry and layne The amount of bias that was present between both of them, and saying that Phil was the winner as soon as kai stepped up on stage was stupid. Kai raped Phil in almost very shot hands down. Both commentators are idiots.
dear larry and layne I was waiting for Layne the entire time to actually drop some truth on Larry but he never did.
dear larry and layne I hate how every webcast, whoever is doing the play-by-play hates on Evan Centopani. They always pick him apart and make him look like a guy who has no business even being onstage, they make it seem like every time he competes, he's never ready.
dear larry and layne It's biasEd every year. Lol at peoPle thinking this is sOmethig new. Gotta be biased to make it onto the webcast.
dear larry and layne Centopani looked like he was flattening out a little, his muscles didn't have that pop to them. He looked very vascular but could've used more striations. Anyways, everyone has their own opinion - imagine someone from the forum or whatever who thinks Phil looks hands-down better than Kai. There's no reason, imo, to think that the chances of Layne or any other commentator preferring one physique clearly over the other. Kai and Phil have two different physiques, so naturally there are gonna be some people who strongly prefer one over the other. edit- and how would one even give an "unbiased" opinion on a bodybuilding show? It's a subjective thing...