Drugs kill gains? Do any drugs break down muscle in order to give an effect? no Can drugs inhibit gains? potentially, yes Cocaine is particularly cardiotoxic which would in theory inhibit gains. It really depends on the user and how much and how frequently the drug(s) is used.
Drugs kill gains? Methamphetamine users aren't going to be able to eat and sleep enough to get gains. Occasional heroin use should be fine, but try to space it far away from workouts because you're not getting any lifting done while nodding off. And if you get AIDS from sharing needles good by sweet gains forever. Cocaine shouldn't be a problem at all if you're not an addict, just keep on top of your eating and sleeping. Alcohol is alright if you just drink a bit every weekend. If you're getting hammered every night it's a problem. MDMA shouldn't be a big problem if you can handle the brutal comedowns. PCP? Stay the phuck away. Holy neurotoxicity.