Dumbell curls and Hammer curls 50lbs and 13 inch arms, good? I lied, Hammer curls only 35lbs Bench 130lbs deadlift 110lbs barbell rows 110lbs
Dumbell curls and Hammer curls 50lbs and 13 inch arms, good? You bench more then your deadlift? You might want to focus more on deadlifts
Dumbell curls and Hammer curls 50lbs and 13 inch arms, good? 35lbs hammer curls seems just as unlikely as 50lbs dumbbell curls. With a 130lbs bench, it's literally impossible to DB curl 50 lbs with proper form. I'd assume a lot of the work is done by your back. Go watch some videos on proper form. Also, concentrate on developing a well-balanced body, your biceps are hit a lot when you're doing your back day. Work on your major lifts before worrying about your biceps size, seriously.