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  • Fact or Myth: You need to switch up your reps and weights every ____ weeks

    Discussion in 'Training' started by defelqy, Apr 15, 2012.

    1. emininojiq

      emininojiq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Fact or Myth: You need to switch up your reps and weights every ____ weeks

      Stick with a routine until you've squeezed every possible bit of progress from it.

      What if you enjoy your training, and are making steady progress on a consistent basis, and it's been 8 weeks; do you think it would be logical to just stop what you're doing and start doing something else?

      As far as going to "failure" is concerned, it depends on exactly how you define the term. If your definition is to keep a set going until you absolutely can't move the weight one more inch, even by contorting and cheating as much as possible, then no, it's not at all reuired.

      When you sense that your form is breaking down, end the set.[]/i] next week, try to just get one additional rep (within whateever rep count you're currently using) with good form.

      Because what works for you will automatically work for everyone else.
    2. Korporalegq

      Korporalegq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Fact or Myth: You need to switch up your reps and weights every ____ weeks

      Good comment, son!

      Deloads are a good idea if you are hitting plateaus. You may get a lot more out of a program by backing off once in a while. Either schedule the deload like liftingson or do them when you feel burned out.

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