Fasting for a month but I don't want to lose any muscle mass. Yes, he did lose his gains because of not being able to hit his calorie needs while fasting.
Fasting for a month but I don't want to lose any muscle mass. I was expecting someone to say this. Sorry, but saying this doesn't help my case at all.
Fasting for a month but I don't want to lose any muscle mass. Should be easy tbh. Just pound the liquid calories as soon as you are able to. Drink a gallon of full fat milk every night and blend a lot of oats and whey into it.
Fasting for a month but I don't want to lose any muscle mass. Good luck OP, can you do BCAA's while fasting, may help a little, but your going to lose mass regardless.
Fasting for a month but I don't want to lose any muscle mass. not unless he takes spiderman997 advice and get all his calories/macros and continue his lifts but it's gonna be hard for him I would say so yeah he may lose mass.
Fasting for a month but I don't want to lose any muscle mass. op thisis the thread on fasting and bb
Fasting for a month but I don't want to lose any muscle mass. I could fit 2500 cals in 4 hours or less your just a pussy