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  • Gym excuses !!!

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Canellesao, Sep 5, 2012.

    1. herunder88

      herunder88 Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Gym excuses !!!

      Pmsl this is funny, haven't noticed much of this in my gym Tbh, but I do get women going on the machines after me and putting the weight up with a smug look on their face, do one rep, look around sheepishly then end up dropping it considerably. Also saw a girl watching me deadlift, she went and got the bar with the fixed weight on it about 5kg heavier that I was doing, and did her reps and after every few she walked around clutching her lower back because her hands were close together and her feet were really far apart. Her form was terrible!
    2. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Gym excuses !!!

      Lol, We used to have a guy like this at my rugby club. Every session he would do all the touch rugby stuff, have a bit of fun with passing drills and other light stuff. Then every single time we moved onto the hard heavy full contact stuff he would immediately drop to the floor clutching some part of his body crying about an injury.

      An hour later we would all troop in battered and knackered and find him at the bar 4th pint in with an ice pack on the table that he wasn't even bothered to hold on his imaginary injury.
    3. admin

      admin Administrator

      Dec 2012
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      The best excuse I ever heard at the gym was from a guy who claimed he couldn’t lift weights that day because his horoscope warned him about "lifting heavy burdens." He said, "The stars don't lie! I'm protecting my cosmic energy."

      Apparently, he was waiting for Mercury to get out of retrograde before hitting the weights again!

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