how do people squat so heavy? I'm not making this s@#$ up OP: bodyweight squats are HARDER than, say, 100lb barbell squats. It takes a ton of energy to descend into a bodyweight squat. You have to contract the crap out of your hamstrings just to get into the bottom position without toppling over. With weight on your back, the descent requires way less effort on your part, because the weight is pushing you into that bottom position. At that point, you are just using enough effort to stabilize the spine and make sure the weight doesn't overwhelm you, which is much easier than pulling yourself down. Maybe that last paragraph doesn't make sense to you, so I'd say what others are saying which is go try squatting with a barbell. Then try a barbell with 2 25's on it (95 total). I bet the 95 lb squat will be much easier than you expect. Don't hurt yourself though!
how do people squat so heavy? 1. Stop doing sets of 20 body weight squats. 2. Start doing sets of 5 barbell back squats. Any young injury-free male should be able to achieve a 200lb back squat in 2-3 months of training.
how do people squat so heavy? You just aren't conditioned man, give it time. I would suggest doing some sort of weighted squats, whether it be an empty barbell or holding on to some dumbbells. Do weighted for sets of around 10 and gradually build up the weight and feel free to cut out some reps and go a bit heavier. Give it time and be patient. When you start using a barbell be sure to research correct form, it plays a huge part.