How's my squat form? Nope, but I'll provide you what IronWill2008 has prescribed to many people and I find very good. I don't know what equipment you have available. There are many alternatives. If for instance you don't have a leg press, BB Hack squat is an excellent sub. If you don't have a leg curl apparatus, then you can just start with the much harder glute ham raise, probably starting with negatives until you can do a full single rep, then strive to increase that.
How's my squat form? Okay. Gonna do: BB Squats 4x6-8 BB Hack Squats 3x10-12 Reverse Lunges 3x6-8 RDL 3x6-8 - Should I replace with SLDL? Leg Curl 3x10-12 Seated BB calf raise 3x12 Glute work. I have another problem I don't get quad activations in these excercises... or well it seems like it. I use to be able to feel all these leg excercises in my quads up until a few months ago. I only feel them working my knees somehow? Its like a burn in my knees...