Sorry I know this has been asked before but here it is. So basically, you can eat anything you want. Whether its McDonald's or a home cooked meal right? So let's say your cutting. Watching your carbs and all that. U eat fast food but still remain in a deficit and the end of the day, that means its ok? Candy bars, all that good stuff?
If it fits your macros right? IIFYM does not mean you fit your macros with junk calories void of micronutrients. You're missing the point or you're trolling.
If it fits your macros right? I'm missing the point and it looks like you are to. I'm not saying eat McDonald's breakfast lunch and dinner. But as a quick option for lunch on a tight budget places like McDonald's an Wendy's are convinient. So fast food sometimes durin lunch that clean eating after
If it fits your macros right? its a shame IIFYM requires common sense in practice, as a lot of this forum are devoid of it. can you eat fast food every day? yeah. can you live entirely off it? probably not due to lack of micronutrients
If it fits your macros right? If you're in a calorie deficit, you'll lose mass regardless of the composition of the diet. Whether or not that's "ok" depends on what your goals are, because the types of foods you eat will affect your body composition, health, mood, satiety, and training performance. If you don't consider anything except calories, you may end up deficient in protein, dietary fats, and micronutrients. Don't eat enough protein, for example, and you may lose more muscle than necessary during the cut. Even though you'll lose mass, 1800 calories of twinkies and a multivitamin would be a bad idea for other reasons.
If it fits your macros right? Basically, yes. But as you start to dial in your calorie allotment for the day and hitting sufficient macro and micro nutrients, you'll find that fast food makes it really hard to meet requirements (especially in a cut). But it can be done with proper management so, yes these things are fine if you can make it work.
If it fits your macros right? Yea, this is more in the spirit of IIFYM. Don't eat garbage every meal and expect to come out all right, but if you occasionally eat lunch at McDonalds or go out to eat for dinner with friends, just be smart about what it is you order.
If it fits your macros right? TBF if i go out for a meal with family (maybe one every 1-2 months), ill order whatever tf i want... why go to a nice restaurant to think "oh i best order this"... just be sensible about what you eat around the meal and fit it in
If it fits your macros right? Are you telling me someone couldn't eat at McDonald's for all 3 of their daily meals (and either eat extra chicken salads or brotein shakes) and hit their macros and micros for the day? I think that if they are careful about it a person could get ripped and have great health markers on their bloodwork off of a diet comprised 100% of a McDonald's menu and that includes daily big macs. Now is that what I would advise? No. However could it be done? Absolutely. I posted this in a thread of mine already, several pages in,... on flexible dieting made easy... But if anyone is interested this is my argument and attempt to get people to put micros & flexible dieting into a realistic nutritional science perspective and stop making assumptions without looking at the numbers in detail first. People's defintions of "junk food" who claim to understand IIFYM, flexible dieting or nutrition is often just as horrific, a ignorant, as the points espoused by the bros.