Just wrote this routine, sound good? You can't lose fat and build muscle simultaneously. If you eat 500 cals below maintenance, you'll lose fat. I'd you eat 500 cals above maintenance, you build muscle. Google a calorie maintenance calculator to find your maintenance. If all you have is dumbbells then you can still have a decent routine. Do you have an adjustable bench? If no them buy one. DB (dumbbell) shoulder press DB incline bench DB rows DB hammer curls Bench dips Db Lunges Db shrugs Do all of that for 2-3 sets of 5-12 reps 3x a week and you'll be good as long as you eat right
Just wrote this routine, sound good? Yeah, it's hard to do that when the terms used are completely alien to me and I know nothing of "bodybuilding" and "losing weight" apart from eating healthier and lifting more. Let me clarify this post up a bit more. My goals: six-pack even when sitting down. Bigger bicep. More vascularity. I can currently curl 25lb max, shoulder press 30lb max, lateral raise 20lb max. Give me the QUICKEST and EASIEST TO FOLLOW routine possible for my goals. Thank you. EDIT: Saw your post, Tb0282. Guess I'll do that.
Just wrote this routine, sound good? You're obviously listening to the **** twins on youtube so of course your going to sound dumb. Go watch matt ogus and come back.
Just wrote this routine, sound good? id recomend doing whatever routine you have available while gaining a pound a week to get bigger than 120 lbs. you can always cut down later to have that "6 pack" you so badly desire
Just wrote this routine, sound good? Of course, Lower frequency - you are hitting each muscle only once a week. No volume - you don't have enough sets to compensate for the low frequency. I recommend you do a high frequency workout, that's better for beginners in my opinion. Like a full body one, or an upper/lower split. Check up "Lyle Mcdonald's generic bulking routine" on google.
Just wrote this routine, sound good? Did everyone here forget OP is 14? Bud do what you want to do and don't worry too much about lifting come back in a year or two and do some research on this site and other lifting forums!
Just wrote this routine, sound good? 14 isn't too young. I started a month before turning 15 this year, and I'm doing quite fine
Just wrote this routine, sound good? Post was meant to mean when you mention BLSS, Hypertrophy, Frequency>Volume, etc, he has no idea what youre saying lol