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  • Muscle cramps out of nowhere

    Discussion in 'Sporting Injuries/Side Effects' started by caters, Nov 19, 2016.

    1. caters

      caters Member

      Nov 2016
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      I have had muscle cramps twice in my life, 1 of which was exercise related(but not with a lot of weight, just 1 pound added).

      The first muscle cramp happened when I was at the store and this was a couple years ago. It was in my abs and my back at the same time. I didn't exercise soon before or after the cramp back then so it couldn't have been from that. But boy was it bothering me. It was so bad, I wanted to take quinine as a muscle relaxer for it. I looked up interaction with phenobarbital(my seizure medication) and that combination is safe. But I didn't take the quinine.

      The second cramp was several months ago and it was in my triceps this time. I did 10 bicep curls at 1 pound in both arms at the same time and after that, my left triceps muscle was cramping. This is the exercise related cramp.

      The only thing I know of to relieve muscle cramps besides quinine is stretching the cramped muscle(or muscles as the case may be). I have been making sure that I am hydrated. Is there anything else I can do to relieve or prevent muscle cramps?
    2. MarkB

      MarkB Administrator Staff Member

      Aug 2016
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      I think a lot of people will experience this at some stage. Sounds very uncomfortable!
    3. admin

      admin Administrator

      Dec 2012
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    4. Newstarter

      Newstarter Well-Known Member

      Aug 2016
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      Thanks for the link - some simple yet effect remedies for muscle cramps and how to avoid them.

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