what are some alternatives? i can still do deadlifts and replace barbell bench presses with dumbells and do power cleans as well. this is still my 1st week of weightlifting since a year and a half so im lifting around 70-80 pounds max depending on my exercises
no rack at my gym so I can't do squats You could try barbell squats, but they won't work your core as much since the weight isn't on your shoulders...
no rack at my gym so I can't do squats You could try out dumbbell lunges, as for squats look up the excersize called a front squat. since you dont have a rack you could power clean the weight on to your body then start the front squat only problem would be you would have to have a good power clean to get high weights lol
no rack at my gym so I can't do squats what about zercher squats? i want to look for the compound exercises
no rack at my gym so I can't do squats Just find a new gym man. U will regret not doing squats when u started if u do start to take it seriously later on.
no rack at my gym so I can't do squats this is the best gym near my home. it's like 0.5 mile away and the closest one after that is l.a fitness which i'll never go to again because they suck and have overpriced fees with no swimming pool