Nolvadex for Gyno? try "c-binos letro" some guy on another forum did a pretty in depth write up on protocols etc for different gyno situations
Nolvadex for Gyno? letro is gonna fuck you silly... it will kill your libido (sex drive) for months... you won't even think to jerk off. You should honestly wait a few years until your hormones are a little more balanced out, say 19-20..imho. If not, use raloxifene over letro. Far less sides, and is still sufficient for reducing gynecomastia
Nolvadex for Gyno? it kiled my sex drive completely (i dont have a gf, so idgaf) but it was back after about 2 weeks off it. i tried everything to get rid of mine but letro's the only thing that worked. but i agree, op wait it out a couple more years
Nolvadex for Gyno? I really don't mind about it killing my libido. I tried "no-fap" but I couldn't survive without fapping a day. Lmao