My routine is Mon;chest, shoulders(couple movements) Tues;legs Wed;tri bi Thur;off Fri; shoulder traps Sat;back I was wondering since Tommrow is Sunday and I'm not sore.... Can I keep going untill I'm sore and take that day off?? Does anyone else do this?? Or will it be overtraining? Just wondering bc somtimes I'm not even sore on my off days....
Noob question soreness =/= muscle growth and DOMS can be present for days after workouts so i wouldnt go by soreness, im almost always sore 24/7; on tht note, ur routine is **** and you should re-work it full body push/pull legs/push/pull
Noob question I know I'm gonna get shut for this lol but do u think it's good or bad to just keep going on this routine order but not the days?? And keep going untill I'm understand what I mean?? Bc I'm confusing my self dawgg
Noob question I don't like tht push pull shut bc I set this routine up to work on my weak parts... And yea for example it wouldn't be bad if I do legs and sore the next day for arms bc I'm not working out my legs?? Correct me if I'm wrong
Noob question I get better results when I only target a certain muscle group that day bc by the end of my workout I'm ****ing hungry/ and spent in 45-90min
Noob question yea that would be fine, i personally found it best to do it like this: legs chest/shoulder/tri back/bi/rear delts you can either rotate it through twice and take 1-2 rest days afterwards, or you can rotate through it once, and then take a rest day and repeat the whole idea behind frequency is to keep your muscle-protein synthesis elevated as much as possible
Noob question And yea I'm sore the next day but I'm not hitting that muscle group for atleast 2-3plus days