PCT what you bros think? Totally aware of the chances of it. Appreciate the help guys! Should i also run a test booster through the pct? And is cycle assist and liv52 all i should be taking on cycle?
PCT what you bros think? That and life support , and loads of taurine , and more saw palmetto and hawthorn berry...Don't forget a LOT of fish oils, dosed with the SD. The rest, space it it away at least 4 hours from SD.
PCT what you bros think? A respectable Test booster is nice to have, but isn't really required if you will run clomid. It's really comes down to if you are willing to put some money down for a libido boost.... And yes I would say that cycle support you have now should be fine. Just preloading a week before the first dose would be ideal with support supps
PCT what you bros think? Ok im needing help with the doses of clomid...i got a bottle of 70mL 35mg/mL how will i go about getting 100/50/25/25 and how many bottles will i need of the clomid?