Please help me make a program, I'm tired of being pathetic I would only suggest this to someone skinny and underweight like you. Do GOMAD (Gallon of milk a day) for about a month and you should be able to gain 20 pounds easily. You will pack on quite a lot of fat but you need it since your only 136 pounds at 6'2.
Please help me make a program, I'm tired of being pathetic i guess for someone like me it doesn't really matter what i eat since i'm skinny? i can just stuff my face with anything and i'll still be ok despite the amounts of fat? (not being sarcastic or rude btw, just wondering)
Please help me make a program, I'm tired of being pathetic that's 8 500ml chocolate milks cartons a day! is this actually proven to work or will a normal milk consumption (glass or two a day) be good enough on top of other dietary elements?
Please help me make a program, I'm tired of being pathetic I wouldn't say to just stuff your face with anything. An 80/20 balance (80% whole, micronutrient dense foods/20% discretionary calories) would be best. This article explains it very well:
Please help me make a program, I'm tired of being pathetic This might be a little unclear. Diets are made up of food, how much unhealthy food results in an unhealthy diet? What is the threshold? I don't think that you eating ice cream everyday, or that Ben and Gerries crap that you love or whatever its called, (depending on the quantity), is going to significantly harm you, but at the same time I wouldn't want someone taking IIFYM to heart and eating junk food all the time. Just be responsible OP. Moderation is key. I was considering saying this due to OP being so light that he is at a medical risk, but I would recommend that he see a doctor or someone to determine whether he's about to collapse or whatnot before attempting GOMAD. I don't think that OP could do GOMAD anyway, not at this stage.
Please help me make a program, I'm tired of being pathetic I always preach moderation. Pointed out earlier in the thread than an 80/20 balance is best. Also, what exactly is a healthy food? You'd probably say that an apple is "healthy." Well, what about eating nothing but apples? Is that a healthy diet?
Please help me make a program, I'm tired of being pathetic If you eat over your maintenance calories, you will gain weight. If you want to gain muscle, you must do this as well as make sure you get enough protein. Calories come from 3 places: Protein, (4 calories per gram of protein), carbohydrates, (4 calories per gram of carbs), and fat, (around 9 calories per gram of fat). Eating fat doesn't necessarily make you fat. It just contributes to your total calories like everything else. You can lose fat from your body on a high fat diet. There's no point in excessive fat gain. GOMAD would put you at a 2200 calorie surplus if you followed it, and IMO gaining 2 pounds of muscle and 14 pounds of fat a month doesn't seem like a great tradeoff compared to 2 pounds of muscle and 2 pounds of fat a month, (so long as you don't train like a dumbass).