Weight: 160 Goal: 180 So from a previous thread (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...hp?t=146798653) I established my main weak points were my upper chest, Arms and delts. So what do you think of this split (btw I like to base my workouts on my main compounds.) Mon - Deadlifts followed by back isolation (obv biceps will be engaged during) Tue - Off Wed - Overheard press followed by delt isolation. Thurs - Squats followed by quad an hamstring. Fri - Arms Sat - Off Sunday - Bench press followed by emphasis on upper pec, with some lower pec thrown in. Now I would never think of doing a arm day usually but following a back + bicep/chest + tricep split has caused me to have lacking arms to the rest of my body.
Routine opinions [pics] It's good that you're basing your days around the compounds. Your lat spread and side chest poses suck though. It seems as though you're way too tense in your lat spread and not even flexing in your side chest. Anyways, good stuff so far. Keep eating and keep lifting.
Routine opinions [pics] Honestly, I would just follow 5/3/1 if you want to base your split around the compounds. Much easier and you don't have to think about anything.
Routine opinions [pics] Thats what I've been doing, even on the slit above my main compounds follow the 5/3/1 style. I just need to work on my weak areas.
Routine opinions [pics] Then keep doing what you're doing. If your lifts are going up consistently, then there's nothing to worry about. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Routine opinions [pics] True although the routine has already caused lacking body parts that I need to pay attention to until It gets worse! haha
Routine opinions [pics] I'd do something like this... Lower: Deadlift focus Deadlift varient (SLDL, Rack Pulls, Deadlifts) Push movement(Leg Press, Front Squat, Hack Squat) Pull/Posterior Chain movement (SLDL, Hamstring Curls, Lunges, Hyperextensions) Another push/pull Upper: Bench Focus BB Bench (Pick angle) Pull movement (BB Rows, T-Bar Rows, Cable Rows, Pulldowns etc) Push movement (DB Bench variation, Shoulder Press BB or DB, Flyes, Laterals) Push or Pull movement Bicep movement (BB Curls, DB Curls, Hammer Curls, Cable Curls etc) Upper: Press Focus Overhead Press Pull movement (BB Rows, T-Bar Rows, Cable Rows, Pulldowns etc) Push movement (DB Bench variation, Shoulder Press BB or DB, Flyes, Laterals) Push or Pull movement Tricep movement (Skullcrushers, Dips, Pressdowns, CGBP) Lower: Squat Focus Squat varient (Squat or Front Squat) Push movement(Leg Press, Front Squat, Hack Squat) Pull/Posterior Chain movement (SLDL, Hamstring Curls, Lunges, Hyperextensions) Another push/pull Something I wrote out a while back. Going to give it a go myself. Run it as upper, lower, off, upper, lower, off, off. For the main lifts some form of periodization could go down well. 3 x 5, 3 x 3, 5 x 5 or whatever you can think off. As for the other sets I would go with repetitions you respond well too. Me personally between then 5 and 12 rep range, depending on the movement. Heavy rows for me tend to be 5-10 reps, whereas legs are between 8 and 12. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go a bit higher on the main lifts, as long as you keep overloading, whether it be more reps or weight added to the bar.