Routine opinions [pics] Definitely don't do this. Listen, 5/3/1 take the guess work out of it all. Here's what I would do: only hit the required reps for your main lifts (5/3/1 style) and just hammer the assistance work. You could do the Boring But Big for incline bench after your main bench (5 sets of 10 with 50% of your 1RM on incline). That ought to do some damage. Do the same BBB for OHP - 5x10 with 50% of your 1RM on OHP. It's easy to get bigger, you just have to figure out what to do.
Routine opinions [pics] No worries. I forgot to write up calves on leg day. I personally do them at my own discretion, so a few misc calve exercises wont hurt after a heavy leg session.
Routine opinions [pics] It's very similar to wendlers though, a focus on each of the main lifts, then assistance work following up from it? Only I left it down to his personal choice of periodization and sets/reps for the assistance work. I took a few ideas from both ws4sb and wendlers. The only reason I mention that he use his own rep ranges and not 5/3/1 is the fact that he could leech strength gains without needing to use 5/3/1 on his compound focus.
Routine opinions [pics] See, that's your problem. You're throwing two programs together to try and make some type of hybrid. That sh!t never works. Pick one or the other and make gains from it. And why would he use rep ranges and some scheme that has NEVER been proven to be effective (yet), as opposed to something that has worked for a number of years and countless number of people? Tell me where my logic fails.