Should I have an Arm day? I do like the hodgetwins, but also my gym is too small to do deadlifts (srs) although i'm changing gyms soon so i will try them out.
Should I have an Arm day? I find I enjoy focusing on them. My calves hate getting bigger and I also like Squats/ lunges/ bulgarian squats....slash more for legs. Ends up being too much.
Should I have an Arm day? Yeah. I'm guessing you don't like hodgetwins because they are the same. They say **** deadlifts because they can't do them. Same logic.
Should I have an Arm day? They say **** deadlifts because they are almost 40, and snapped something picking up a box. As a healthy < 30 year old, I could care less about this.
Should I have an Arm day? I have same reasoning as them though. If you can't do them, **** them. I can't do them because of gym, they can't do them because of back. Most likely though, if they were healthy they would be doing them, If i had a bigger gym i would be doing them.