been like sick for 2 weeks now, and i'm alittle better but still sick, when i went back to lifting i had to drop 5lbs for my bench, but the i did the 3x5 and finished all the sets and reps. 1 day later added 5lb cause i finished my sets and reps easily, and first set i did 3 and the last 2 was alittle boost, then the second set was like 3 again and could only do 1 more with alittle boost, and the last set i did like 2 and 2 with alittle boost. I need help, does being sick cause weakness or something? inb4 eat more
Sick and working out just make sure you have good rest, the sickness will eventually goes away, and you'll be back on the street
Sick and working out i usually get 5-6 hours of sleep because of school, and when i go home i take a nap for like 3 hours then head to the gym. yes i eat before i go. Is taking naps bad?
Sick and working out Yes. Getting into te habit of taking naps screws up your sleep schedule. Refrain from taking naps as once you start, it's hard to stop.
Sick and working out I sleep like a baby at night though. And i feel so tired afterschool, feels like if i go to the gym i'll have no energy
Sick and working out Yes. Is there something that you don't understand about taking a nap and having a screwed a sleep schedule? It makes perfect sense. Try going without a nap for a couple of days. Naps should be no longer than 30 minutes if you have to take one. A 3 hour nap is not a nap. You went to sleep. You entered the REM stage.
Sick and working out I fall asleep and can't wake myself up. And what if i feel more tired after acouple days
Sick and working out Start going to sleep earlier. I was once like you and took constant naps over the summer because of lack of sleep. I ****ed myself up so bad that my sleep cycle turned into this: Wake up at 12am. Stay up until 6am, sleep. Wake up at 12pm, stay up til 6pm, sleep until 12am. Was not fun breaking it lol. Instead of 1 long 12 hour sleep, I had 2 6 hour sleeps separated by 6 hours of being awake. If you research about naps online, you will come across a few articles talking about how naps should never exceed 30 minutes. If you've taken a psychology class, you will know how sleep works. If you don't, here's a quick summary: After the 30 minute mark, it is pretty much guaranteed that the body goes into the REM cycle of sleep. This is where body repairs and dreams happen. You want to avoid this as this will screw up your night sleep cycle.