So educate me a bit here... the whole reason whey protein is popular is because it's so low calorie/high protein. It's almost pure protein. Milk is not anywhere near as much protein/cal
So educate me a bit here... because brah, if you dont get whey protein within an hour after your workout you wont make any gains. the more expensive the brand the more gains you will make.
So educate me a bit here... Because there is high demand of chicken vs a lower demand for salmon. Ahhhh, okay, so it is simply has to do with extracting the protein from the milk? That means there must have been a ton of gallons of milk to extract to fill my jug of Gold Standard. Cool...
So educate me a bit here... Cool, very informative thread. Never thought of thinking outside the box. I mean, I drink 2 cups of milk a day along with my whey/casein combo. I figured it is an easy way to get 112 grams of protein a day.
So educate me a bit here... If you have a 40$ tub of protein, and it contains 20 servings, then you are spending 2$ per serving. On average, lets say (conservatively) 30g of protein in that serving, and it is a small amount of liquid to take in, usually 8-12 ounces. Probably has other nutrients in it too, depending on the brand. Milk here in Maine is 4 bucks a gallon. Skim milk has about 8 grams of protein in 1 cup. So if you wanted to get the same amount of protein (almost), it would take about 32oz. That means that the gallon has about 4 serving (128 ounces per gallon). So, a dollar per serving. Its just preference I guess. Can't bring milk to the gym unless you bring a cooler. Some people like the taste of one over the other. Some like that you can have more protein in the mix with less liquid. Milk has a lot of good stuff in it, and I drink a lot of it, but I still drink a protein shake once a day to get a quick dose of protein i guess edit: this is not science this is just my thoughts
So educate me a bit here... Yes that's why there is a price difference, along with supply limitations, but that wasn't the point of the comparison
So educate me a bit here... all you do is add an acid and the milk will curdled the liquid left behind is whey