Strong but look rubbish?!?! My diet is pretty decent. Porridge for brekkie, sweet potato chicken and Broccoli for dinner, tuna for snack salad and some type of meat for tea 2 shakes per day. Banana apple orange and almonds for snacks. Eat this or slight variation every week day.
Strong but look rubbish?!?! I am 99.9% sure my mates are natty. There's only me that's done anything, which when I think about it is worse
Strong but look rubbish?!?! mix it up a bit, try less weights for more reps, see how your body responds i had/have the same problem when bulking, strength improved dramatically, put on a reasonable amount of weight but as for size and definition i was severly lacking. i've maintained my ckals and supps but changed my routine, doing hi rep sets and have seen a huge difference in a much shorter period of time than when i'd previously been bulking and doing heavy lifting 5x5 workouts as an entry point into bbing peeps say for bulking 5x5 is good and for most people it probably is but it's horses for courses pal, i don't give a **** about how much i can lift i just wanna bulk up and look good and i'm getting there, i couldn't give a sh1t if everyone else can lift more than me, it's not at all in my goals to be strong, just wanna get big and look good. make sure you diets spot on and fcuk about with your routine bruv, really did work for me