and see if they feel any different? I phuking hate the feeling of being bloated. I ate like ten krakus ham sandwiches today and now I'm puffed up like a hot air ballon. feelshorribleman. I'm trying to drink a lot of water to flush it out
Strong unaware ITT Lowing sodium should help alot once you start eating alot of sodium daily or at least for me the bloating goes away i hardly ever get bloated now.
Strong unaware ITT it's like i don't even remember what it's like to NOT feel bloated anymore. I'm never consuming so much sodium again. Chest feels tight and congested..even my back feels tight
Strong unaware ITT I tried drastically upping the amount of sodium I eat.. life will never be the same
Strong unaware ITT I know what you mean and i get all self conscious about it to even though its probably not as noticeable as YOU think it is.
Strong unaware ITT im gonna set sodium as a macro to myfitnesspal from now on. 2500mg is the daily goal, but i know that isn't realistic in this society...but I feel like I really need to watch it
Strong unaware ITT 1...No I'm a teenager I'm not going to closely monitor my sodium intake 2...And you're bloated because you ate too much, and then you're drinking water which is filling your stomach even more.
Strong unaware ITT ^^^ not sure what being a teenager has to do with anything but should I stop drinking water? salt expands in water, so is that why i am bloating? but shouldn't drinking a lot get rid of excess sodium? or is that totally false?
Strong unaware ITT It means I'm not going to be that serious about **** because my metabolism is the fastest it will ever be in my life so I'm going to enjoy it. No, don't stop drinking water. Look, if you chug 6 bottles of water you'll feel bloated. So if you're drinking water when you're already bloated/full, it'll make you even more bloated/full. If you don't want to feel bloated then don't eat so much in one meal. Drink a bottle of water or 2 cups before your meal so you eat less.