Strong unaware ITT Lol.... Do you mind telling me what that has to do with sodium intake? Better yet, tell me how your body metabolizes sodium.
Strong unaware ITT Yes purely only for the reason of seeing my weight without as much retained water in my body. Otherwise it's not really a concern, as much as I'd like to say I workout for better health that's not my #1 priority even though it should be up there lol.
Strong unaware ITT And exhibit A for why cutting water & sodium is BS voodoo. Please see my man Eric who had ~8000mg sodium (normal for him) and around 2-2.5 gallons water here absolutely no diuretics. - Dr. Norton, Layne
Strong unaware ITT lol are you retarded? Brb ignoring micronutrient intake because my body has the magical ability to compensate for it via a 'fast metabolism'
Strong unaware ITT Fact: 99/100 people who use the word 'metabolism' have no idea what it actually means.