So here is the situation. 5 weeks into test e cycle and my sources shipment got jacked. So I am havin to wait on the new order to come in. It may be upwards of 2 weeks before I can continue the cycle. It's test e so I know the long water can hang around awhile but is this ok to do? I don't want my balls to hate me, but it seems as though this should be ok, but not ideal. I am also on 12.5 ED of aromasin. Any input would be awesome. Similar Threads: Mid Cycle: Switch from Sust to Test-E? Help... When you take a break from training do you continue supplement use? Have to take a break from supps and lifting. Taking a Break from Stims Spring Break Mid-Cycle
Taking a break mid cycle from pinning This is why u don't start your cycle until everything is in hand!
Taking a break mid cycle from pinning I know I know I suck the big balls and deserve a flaming death for my lack of preparedness. But in the case this did happen any pointers
Taking a break mid cycle from pinning Agreed 2 weeks shouldn't be too bad, you won't even really notice it except for the anxiety of not pinning
Taking a break mid cycle from pinning then if the gear does not arrive in 2 weeks time? for whatever just start PCT at the exact timeframe you would have if you ended on time...2 weeks ....
Taking a break mid cycle from pinning Yeah brah, you shouldve waited until you have everything on hand, but we all make mistakes. now are you only running test???? youll have some test circulating in your blood, cleanse is around 3 weeks. but i hope your test levels dont drop enough to cause some down, if so, once you inject, youll need to buold up optimal test levels again (guessing here)... if you can, try to use some fast oral acting such as dianabol x 4 weeks until you have more test, heck, even dbol for 6 weeks, that would cover you and make you gain more actually... thats the only thing i can think about, ONLY IF YOU ARE USING TEST SOLO... if you are stacking already, then you are okay, no need to move anything IMO.