Well, i just got into a huge argument with my aunt and mom, both in the medical fields, saying that by the time I am 30 and 31 I am going to be all messed up with liver/kidney problems. I roughly consume about 300g (I weigh 210 lbs) of protein a day and work out about 4 to 5 times a week intense. What are your opinions about this? I mean, Ive read articles where it is mentioned your muscles will not grow if its less then 100g for body builders and 200 is just about fine and 300 or more is enough to stress out your body and give you problems. Any knowledge or experience on this? It is like everyone wants me to cut back on protein but, how else are you supposed to grow?
too much protein bad? You don't need nearly that much protein. Calories will make you grow, not specifically protein. I doubt you will get one answer in this thread as this is a highly debated subject. You'll just get tons and tons of pages of people arguing back and fourth, posting studies for and against, speculation and opinion.
too much protein bad? from what I have researched, I think I agree with you. Like 1.5g to 2g a lb has been ok and it is the calories what make you grow. I mean I wish there was a sure answer lol.
too much protein bad? I think 1.5 to 2 grams a pound is a little too much. Maybe 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. Still though I doubt anyone will come up with a definitive answer. Well maybe definitive in their own mind, but that's about it.
too much protein bad? people can grow muscle with as little as .5gr/lbs of bodyweight as long as enough calories are being taken in and there is enough stimulus to grow. so will more protein help, maybe. if those extra protein calories push you over the caloric need to allow for growth then yes it will. if you are eating enough fat and carbs to get plenty of carbs then it is not needed. make sense?
too much protein bad? How old are you? What type of training? How much of your protein is from food and how much is supplemental? "it's too much" is a lousy answer without knowing any other info. If he wants to gain mass and has no medical conditions then why is 1200 calories a day of mostly food (assumed example) protein a problem? On a 3600 calorie diet it's only 33%. Would be considered low by some.
too much protein bad? agreed with tbone, people stress to much over tryn to consume high amounts of protein. i use the 1g/lean mass method and it works fine. during bulk mode i found that i can get low amounts of pro with high amounts of carbs and still build muscle as long as my body is in a surplus
too much protein bad? awesome. So it would be ok if I dropped down on protein and maybe get a bit more carbs and fats in (like peanut butter) just to be on the safe side for my kidneys and liver.