Upcoming VAT Loophole? Actually a smart idea. I think if sales get too low for some companies they may do that.
Upcoming VAT Loophole? This is what play.com do ... Couldn't you do this with anything tho, what about ciggarettes?? YOu buy a lighter for £5 and get 20 fags free ??? I dont think it works like that, your accounts would soon give you away.
Upcoming VAT Loophole? If giving it away free was allowed then people would be doing it with everything, ie spend 20k on an apple and get a free car saving 4k in VAT. I am pretty sure you owe VAT on the total value of VAT liable goods shipped.
Upcoming VAT Loophole? funny you say that; when i used to work on the doors 1 of the club managers used to live in jersey... She used to say that in jersey you used to get free cigs if you buy a lighter... Ivebeen to jersey before with my mrs; even though then i didnt really like it as it was quiet, now i would die to be there... As im getting older i like the quiet. Its so peaceful and houses are nice... Its a place for the rich b4stards to retire... http://search.knightfrank.com/cho110050
Upcoming VAT Loophole? What if supplement retailers blag some of there stock and say iy was sent abroad... Whats evers sent abroad can be claimedback in VAT... How would this work... let me go to the drawing board...
An interesting court challenge in the UK which ultimately failed:- https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/employment-income-manual/eim32507