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  • What are your T levels?

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Metribolone, Apr 29, 2023.

    1. Metribolone

      Metribolone Member

      Apr 2023
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      I want to hear from everyone who has the info including women. I am a 22 year old male (120lbs 5’4”) with a level of 430ng/dl which seems awfully low for my age. I’ve been feeling low t symptoms like low energy, almost no libido (which has hurt my previous relationship a lot), losing weight and gaining fat at the same time. I’m going in for a retest May second and I think I might bring up trt.

      If you’re on trt what is your dose and what is your blood level. If you’re on gear I want to know what you’re using and what your levels are as well. I want to know if you’re natty also.

      Nice things to include would be your height, weight, and age along with your lifestyle, how often you train at what intensity, your diet, or if you drink or do drugs.

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