whatever i do, no gains, i hate myself. You don't worry about your physique when you bulk, ur an ecto and can lose weight easily. Whats this about puffy nips? I don't see anything. Post ur routine here and we'll tell you whats wrong, even tho it does look like uve made some progress.
whatever i do, no gains, i hate myself. starting bulking as of tomorrow + thanks for your support bro!
whatever i do, no gains, i hate myself. was dfat as **** be4, and they're normal in these pics ( pinched em quickyl be4), and my routine : monday: arms tuesday: chest & back wednesday: shoulders thursday: legs (might sometimes switch up arms with chest and tri's, then back and bi's)
whatever i do, no gains, i hate myself. Look, you have "puffy nipples" because you´re at about 16% bodyfat or so. Just a guess. You are, however, VERY tall and need to gain a lot of muscle mass. You can choose: a) Gain a lot of muscle mass and some more fat, look huge and have some fat, cut in a year or so, then still look huge and ripped b) Cut now, look riBBed instead of riPPED. You´re skinny now and after a cut you´d be looking a lil bit like Christian Bale in "The Machinist".